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Important features of the methodology

A comprehensive centralised sample survey paradigm for estimation of marine fish landings since 1950. The statistical methodology adopted has been recognized by FAO. The procedure adopted is unique in respect of conceptualisation, planning, implementation and analysis. All of 1511 landing centres both major and minor distributed along nine maritime states and two union territories are covered by qualified and trained field staff. The technically trained field staff are stationed at 25 locations across all maritime states of which 10 are research stations with full scientific and infrastructure backup. The overall operation of this uninterrupted exercise is coordinated by the Fishery Resources Assessment Division (FRAD). Equal importance is given for the inclusion of both landings and effort data with clear delineation of various crafts and gears. Information about more than 1200 marine fish species landed along the Indian coast are collected through the data collection scheme.


Validation of the methodology

In 1973, a team of scientists under the leadership of Dr. M. Krishnan Kutty from the National Institute of Oceanography validated the sampling design adopted by CMFRI for estimation of marine fish landings in India. They examined i) to what extent the catch statistics at the all India and states levels are accurate ii) whether any improvement in the sampling procedure is possible and iii) whether the present sampling fraction, which depends on the number of survey staff should be increased.


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