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PME/ Consultancy Cell

Priority Setting, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PME) Cell of the institute is pivotal for optimizing research challenges and outcomes effectively. Priority setting involves identifying key research areas based on factors such as national research priorities, emerging trends, and the needs of farmers and stakeholders. Subsequently, robust monitoring mechanisms are put in place to track the progress of research projects, ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently and milestones are achieved. Evaluation processes then assess the impact, relevance, and sustainability of research initiatives, providing insights for continuous improvement and strategic decision-making. The PME was created to help with the effective administration of the institute's collaborative, internal, networked, grant-in-aid, and R&D initiatives. In essence, the PME will act as a liaison between the institute's Principal Investigators, the Finance Section, the Purchase Section, and ICAR, facilitating easy collaboration and communication between these units. Through the PME Cell and its efforts, ICAR institutes can enhance their involvement in promoting research innovation, productivity, and rural development, ensuring that their initiatives are in line with national goals and societal needs.

CMFRI offers consultancy services to Public/Private organizations. The main themes under which we offer consultancy are given below. The procedure for taking consultancy projects is simple and we follow ICAR rules and guidelines on this aspect.


NoThemeBrief details
1Environment Impact Assessment Study        Monitoring of abiotic and biotic parameters; preparation of Environment Management Plan; Baseline surveys, Continuous/ short term monitoring of impact sites
2Artificial Reef                         Site selection, community level interactions for creating awareness, design, fabrication and installation of ARs, impact assessments of AR on fishery and ecosystem
3Setting up of AquariumFabrication and setting up of aquarium with filters and other necessary accessories
4Mariculture    Site selection, design, fabrication of and mooring of cage for finfish/ lobster farming, ornamental fish culture
5Finfish HatcheryDesign and technical operation including various components of hatchery
6Pearl cultureHatchery technology, seed production and farming
Black lip pearl oyster seed production
Mabe pearl production
7Biodiversity EvaluationBaseline survey, identification of various taxa and biomass estimates;
8Socio-Economic EvaluationsSocial and economic impacts of natural disasters/new technology interventions on coastal communities, valuation of ecosystem services
9Specimen identificationFishes, Crustaceans, Molluscus, Corals, Sponges, Marine Macrophytes, Echinoderms
10Imparting TrainingShort /Long term National/ International training programs on Methodologies in Fishery biology, taxonomy, SCUBA diving, resources assessments and mariculture
11BiotechnologyFeed formulation, disease           investigation etc.
12Under water SCUBA divingSurvey/ Assessment of health of habiats/ other EIA
13LibraryModernization of library

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