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Download Data Requisition Form


Data Policy

Director ICAR-CMFRI is the final authority to approve data requests and his/her decisions will be final. The Director reserves the right to determine the conditionality for data sharing, subject to conflict of interest, matters pertaining to national interest and in accordance with the data policy of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Moreover, data will also be reserved for internal research purposes for a reasonable period of time.

Depending on the kind and volume of information, a charge calculated as per the rates fixed by a committee constituted by the Director, is collected towards providing the information. Rates will be comparatively high for providing information at higher resolutions in terms of space, time, fishery resources and sector.


Data Request

A formal data request in the prescribed form has to be made to the Director for getting approval. The prescribed form can be downloaded, filled appropriately, signed and send to the Director by Email/Fax/Post. Once approved, it will be communicated back informing about the cost to be paid either by NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) or by sending a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute” payable at “Ernakulam”.


Fax: +91-484-2394909,+91-484-2396685


Postal Address:

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O.
Kochi – 682018, Kerala, India.


Bank details for NEFT:

Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Ernakulam
IFSC: SBIN0001015
Account Number: 10626732724
Type of account: Current

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