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The Marine Biodiversity and Environment Management Division (MBEMD) is dedicated to conducting research to understand and conserve marine habitats and their biological diversity spanning from marine microbes to marine mammals. The division’s focus extends to biodiversity valuation of marine ecosystems along the Indian coast, assessing the impacts of fishing on biodiversity, research on threatened taxa and fragile ecosystems like coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove stands, and developing restoration protocols for these ecosystems. Another major thrust area is investigating the impact of environmental changes in the marine realm, particularly climate change and extreme weather events on marine fisheries and biodiversity. Assessment of the impact of marine pollution, including marine litter and other anthropogenic stressors, on the marine environment is another key priority research area for the division. The division is actively involved in developing mitigation strategies to address these challenges. The research inputs of the division have been instrumental in making significant contributions to the sustainable management and utilization of the marine ecosystems and biodiversity along the Indian coast, while ensuring their conservation and protection for future generations.

The division has achieved notable milestones including assessing the impacts  of current and historical climate change phenomena on major fisheries and resource characteristics, studying extreme events and harmful algal blooms, investigating epidemiological links of changes within the marine environment,  documenting and describing new species of marine organisms, discovering new distributional ranges for marine species, developing assessment and management plans for ecologically and biologically sensitive areas,  coral reef resilience studies, jellyfish swarming and fishery interactions,  pioneering research on seaweed diversity, distribution and laboratory-based propagation protocols, estimating blue carbon and  implementing restoration efforts for mangroves and seagrasses, monitoring marine debris and microplastics, long-term monitoring of plankton dynamics and coastal water quality, exploring marine microbial diversity and  biotechnological applications, and developing predictive models for species distribution and ecosystem health assessment. Pioneering investigations on the diversity of corals and sponges in India is one of the major contributions from the division. Regular monitoring and assessment of the diversity and abundance of coastal and pelagic avifauna along the peninsular coasts, islands and oceanic waters are another important focus area of the division. 

The division's commitment to innovative research methodologies is evident from the use of cutting-edge technologies such as Convolutional Neural Networks for coral species classification and Maximum Entropy Models for predicting species distribution. The division also actively engages in public outreach and utilizes Citizen Science for data collection. The committed research and outreach activities of the division contribute significantly to the sustainable management and conservation of marine biodiversity in Indian waters.

  • Thrust Areas of Research
      • Catering to the knowledge base of Indian marine biodiversity and to act as its repository.
      • Monitoring and evaluation of coastal/marine habitats in India towards sustainable ecosystem health.
      • Elucidating the structure and function of marine ecosystems in India to develop harvest/conservation/restoration protocols or interventions.
      • Assessing the impacts of climate change, extreme events and anthropogenic activities on marine fisheries, biodiversity and the environment for devising strategies to mitigate and/or adapt.

