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Every ICAR Institute shall have a Management Committee for the following functions and activities of the Institute:-


    • Consideration of proposals for Five Year Plan and Annual Plan.
    • Periodical review of progress of development schemes.
    • Consideration of proposal for the annual budget.
    • Consideration of items of expenditure which are beyond the powers of the Director of the Institute.
    • Policy issues relating to the Institute including the rights and obligations of staff.
    • Consideration of action taken on the recommendations of the Grievance Cell and Institute Joint Council.
    • Any other items, as may be desired by the Director or other members of the Committee or as may be required to be considered as per delegation of powers as directions of the Governing Body whether contained in any manual, orders issued, resolution passed or other instructions approved by the Governing Body, and.
    • Such powers as may be delegated by the Governing Body to enable the Management Committee to administer the funds allocated and the programmes approved.

 Institute Management Committee (as on 16th April 2024)


SI. NOProvision under ICAR Rule 

Name, Designation & Address

1. The Director, ICAR-CMFRIChairman 
2.66(a)(2) Additional Director, Fisheries (Government of Kerala, Trivandrum)Member
3.66(a)(3)Director, Fisheries, Bengaluru, Karnataka
4.66(a)(4)Director Extension, Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kochi
5.66(a)(5) Vacant
7.66(a)(6) Dr.M.K.Anil,
Principal Scientist,
Vizhinjam Regional Centre of CMFRI,
8.66(a)(6) Dr. Suseela Mathew,
Principal Scientist,
682 029
9.66(a)(6) Vacant 
10.66(a)(6) Vacant 
11.66(a)(7) Vacant  
12.66(a)(8) Deputy Director (Finance). ICAR, New Delhi  
13.66(a)(9) CAO (SG), ICAR-CMFRI Member Secretary




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