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Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fy) ICAR inaugurates Digha Regional Research Centre of CMFRI
Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fy) ICAR inaugurates Digha Regional Research Centre of CMFRI
Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fy) ICAR inaugurates Digha Regional Research Centre of CMFRI
Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fy) ICAR inaugurates Digha Regional Research Centre of CMFRI
News & Events
Union Minister Shri. Parshottam Rupala inaugurates 16th Agricultural Science Congress and ASC Expo at Kochi
Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Food Processing visits ICAR-CMFRI
ICAR CMFRI Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS) for nursery rearing of marine fishes dedicated to the nation
CMFRI bags Kshetriy Rajbhasha Puraskar instituted by Dept of Official Language
ICAR-CMFRI commercialises its nutraceutical product from seaweeds to combat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
ICAR-CMFRI won the Best Annual Report award 2020
National Campaign on Non-conventional Aquaculture Systems, as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
CMFRI bagged Rolling Trophy for excellent implementation of Official Language in Kochi Town
ICAR-CMFRI Director Dr A Gopalakrishnan receives VASVIK Industrial Research Award
75 years of ICAR-CMFRI : Logo released
ICAR-CMFRI bagged Rajbhasha Kshetriy Puraskar 2019-20
Fisheries Secretary Jatindra Nath Swain, IAS visits ICAR-CMFRI
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture visits Visakhapatnam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI
Former Union Minister Pratap Chandra Sarangi unveils cage farming demonstration in Odisha
National Scientific Hindi Webinar on Seaweeds for Blue Economy at ICAR-CMFRI
Inauguration of RAS facility by Dr. C. Suvarna, CE, NFDB and Shri. C.S. Venugopala Krishna, Minister for Backward classes welfare, AP
International Womens Day: CMFRI honours successful women entrepreneurs in fisheries
NIO Director visits Karwar Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI
ICAR-CMFRI, MPEDA and FSI jointly launched research cruise for assessment of marine mammal population of the EEZ
Shri. Giriraj Singh, Honorable Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying visits Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Union Minister Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi launches ICAR-CMFRIs project on cage culture demonstration in Odisha
Honorable Vice President Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu dedicates newly bred Johns snapper seeds to the nation
Sea ranching of green tiger shrimp in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar region
ICAR-CMFRI commercialized Nutraceuticals for use against arthritis, type-2 diabetes and hypertension to Pioneer Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Release of CMFRI Marine Fisheries Policy Series by Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Hon. Minister of Fisheries, Government of Kerala
Foundation day celebrations at ICAR-CMFRI - 2020
Third International Symposium on Marine Ecosystems (MECOS-3) hosted by ICAR-CMFRI
International training-cum-workshop in fisheries and aquaculture for member countries of African Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO)
First National Symposium on Indian oil sardine at CMFRI
Global Expert Meeting on Trade of Sharks and Rays at CMFRI
Release of Indian Marine Fish Landings Data 2018
Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR releases ICAR-CMFRI nutraceutical product Cadalmin Antihypertensive extract (Cadalmin AHe)
Dr. Eldho Varghese, Scientist, CMFRI receiving NAAS Young Scientist Award
Foundation day celebrations at ICAR-CMFRI
AARDO International Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture inaugurated
ICAR-CMFRI Launches Farm Shoppe to Provide Market Avenue for Farmers
Release of E-commerce Website and Mobile App developed by CMFRI by DG, ICAR
Dr. J.K. Jena, DDG (Fy&AS), ICAR launching All India Network Project on Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture
Union Minister Shri. Radha Mohan Singh Visits Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI
Dr. J. K. Jena, DDG (Fy.) visits Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI
Dr Eldho Varghese - Lal Bahadur Shastri outstanding young scientist award, Dr Kajal Chakraborty - Rafi Ahmed Kidwai award for outstanding research in agricultural sciences, Dr Anusree V Nair - Jawaharlal Nehru award for outstanding doctoral thesis
Press Meet for the release of Marine Fish Landings data for 2017
Union Minster of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Krishna Raj visits ICAR- CMFRI
Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR visits Veraval RC of CMFRI
Workshop on Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification
International Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture for member countries of African Asian Rural Development Organisation
CMFRI Receives Swachhta Pakhwada Award
71st Foundation Day Celebrations of ICAR-CMFRI
Inauguration of Winter School on Recent advances in Bioactive Compounds from Marine Organisms
Inauguration of Second International SAFARI Symposium at CMFRI
NITI Aayog Member Prof. Ramesh Chand Visits ICAR-CMFRI
CMFRI retains overall title in ICAR South Zone Sports Meet
Indo-German Workshop on use of CMSY in Indian Waters at CMFRI, Kochi
Human Chain Formed to Create Awareness on Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign
Inauguration of national workshop on Harmonizing Coastal Industrialization with Marine Ecosystem Health
Inspection of Second Sub-Committee of Parliament on Official Language at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Smt.Krishna Raj, Minister of State, MoAFW visited Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Shri. Chhabilendra Roul, IAS, Additional Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICAR visited Mangalore Research of ICAR-CMFRI
Secretary, DAHDF interacts with scientists, fish farmers at ICAR-CMFRI
CMFRI Signs MoU with Mangrove Foundation
WWF-NITI Aayog-CMFRI Workshop on sustainable development goal 14: Life below water
Dr.A.Gopalakrishnan, Director CMFRI inaugurated Type-III Quarters at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Handing over cobia and grouper seeds to fishermen group of Muttom, Kanyakumari
Signing MoU for commercialization of ICAR-CMFRI’s Cadalmin ACe with VLCC Health Care Ltd
Releasing estimates of marine fish landings in India for 2016
Sea ranching of green tiger shrimp at Thonithurai, Palk Bay by Mandapam Regional Centre
CMFRI felicitates country’s first fisher couple
Study Visit of Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture to Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI
Dr. J.K. Jena Deputy Director General (Fy) ICAR, visits Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI
Indian Mariculturists Meet at CMFRI
Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fy) ICAR inaugurates Digha Regional Research Centre of CMFRI
ICAR-CMFRI develops GIS-based database on fishing centres in India
CMFRI Receives 'Cashless ICAR Institute Award'
Honorable Governor of Kerala releases Cadalmin Anti-Hyper Cholestrolemic Extract developed by CMFRI
Honorable Governor of Kerala Inaugurates Platinum Jubilee celebrations of ICAR-CMFRI
Union Minster of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare inaugurates RAS facility at CMFRI, Vizhinjam
CMFRI sets up symbolic cemetery of fishes
mKRISHI Fisheries mobile app developed by CMFRI won National Contest on Social Innovation 2016
DG visits Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI
KVK of CMFRI to weed public ponds by growing Fish
World Soil Day Celebrations by ICAR-KVK of CMFRI
ICAR-KVK Ernakulam of CMFRI celebrated World soil day: Launched Drip irrigation kit
Dr. Rekha J Nair, Principal Scientist, CMFRI participates in IUCN Grouper Reassessment Workshop at Azores, Portugal
National Training Programme on Fisheries Management
National Workshop on Digital Library Management
KVK of CMFRI Launches Aqua Task Force to Boost Fish Culture
Tuticorin Research Centre of CMFRI organised a training program on Integrated Multi-tropic Aquaculture (IMTA) – A Climate Change Resilient Approach
Training programme on ‘Seaweed Cultivation’ conducted at Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI
CMFRI Staff Forms Human Chain to Promote ‘Clean India’ Campaign
CMFRI Launches Swachhta Pakhwada- Cleanliness Drive
Dr. J.K. Jena, DDG (Fy), ICAR, visited Visakhapatnam RC of CMFRI
Dr J K Jena, Deputy Director General (Fy), ICAR, visited Visakhapatnam Regional Centre of CMFRI
Hindi Chetna Maas celebrated at CMFRI
Annual review meeting of All India Network Project on Mariculture
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antoyodaya Krishi Puraskar for CMFRI’s Cage Farming Venture
CMFRI Director Dr. A Gopalakrishnan and M S University Vice-Chancellor Dr K Bhaskar exchanging the MoU
Dr. Imelda Joseph won the title “Highly Commended paper†in the GAF session of 11AFAF at Bangkok
Dr. Grinson George won Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri Best Scientist Award and Dr. C.V. Kulkarni Best Young Scientist Award
Dr.A Gopalakrishnan, Director CMFRI receiving the AFS Gold Medal Award during 11AFAF at Bangkok
Minister for Fisheries J Mercykutty Amma at a consultative meeting held at the CMFRI
Harvest of seaweed under NICRA demonstration on IMTA
Visit of Minister for State for Finance, Planning and Rural Development, Govt. of Maharashtra to CMFRI, Mangalore
Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan visits CMFRI
World Oceans Day celebrated at Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI
"World Environment Day and the World Oceans Day " celebration at Mangalore RC of CMFRI
Swach Bharat Abhiyan Pakhawara Activities at CMFRI, Kochi
CMFRI Research Output hits the Headline in National Malayalam daily MATHRUBHUMI
Dr.Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) and DG, ICAR visits Mumbai RC of CMFRI
Press Meet for the Release of Marine Fish Landings Data for the year 2015
Karnataka Marine Fisheries Stakeholders Meeting
Cadalmin Antidiabetic extract for type-2 diabetes from seaweeds goes commercial
Secretary, DARE and Director General, ICAR visits the ICAR- CMFRI, Kochi
Harvest of Cobia from model sea-cage farm at Sippikulam, Tuticorin
National Scientific Hindi Seminar on Mariculture
Unveiling of foundation stone for staff residential quarters at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Open House at Chennai RC and Kovalam FC of CMFRI
Kovalam Beach cleaning as part of Swachh Bharat Mission
Network group on primary productivity in Indian EEZ held at CMFRI, Kochi
NANO POGO Alumini Meeting held at CMFRI Kochi
Director, CMFRI signing MoU for research based collaboration with NANSEN Environmental Research Centre
Open House and Foundation Day Celebrations at CMFRI, Kochi.
Open house at CMFRI, Kochi exhibited glimpses of marine fisheries research
Foundation Day celebration at CMFRI, Mandapam
Gujarat Chief Minister, Anandiben Patel being explained on Cage culture during the Fishermen's Meet
Gujarat Minister for Agriculture, Shri Babubhai Bukiria visiting the Sea Cage prototype of CMFRI Veraval RC.
CMFRI bags ICAR Best Annual Report Award 2014-15
Dr.Ravishankar CN ,Director,CIFT Inaugrating Winter school on “Technological Advances in Mariculture for Production Enhancement and Sustainabilityâ€.
Dr.Sandhya Sukumaran won the 2014 Taylor and Francis Commonwealth Scholar Best Journal Article Prize
Harvest of farmed lobsters from model sea-cage farm at Sippikulam village, Tuticorin
Inauguration of Office cum Research Laboratory of Puri Field Centre of CMFRI
Professor K.V.Thomas, MP inauguarating the soil health card distribution
5th International Symposium on ‘Cage Aquaculture in Asia-2015’
National Workshop on Effective Management of E- Resources in Research Libraries
View of portion of harvested seaweed 'Kappaphycus alvarezii'
Training on ‘Seed Production of Selected Marine Ornamental Fishes’
Dr.T.S.Dange,Director, GoMBRT inaugurating the training on ‘Seed Production of Selected Marine Ornamental Fishes’
Dr.A.K.Abdul Nazar, Scientist-in-Charge along with the scientists seeing a bunch of grown seaweed which was integrated with cobia cage
Training on Marine Ornamental Fish Breeding and Hatchery Seed Production
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Launching of new programes at Tuticorin RC of CMFRI.
Harvest of sea cage farmed cobia under State Balanced Growth Fund Scheme for fishermen SHGs
Refresher training programme on sea cage farming cobia at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Seminar on “Marine Fisheries of Karnataka : Present status and Future options†at Karwar RC of CMFRI
CMFRI wins Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Puraskar 2015
CMFRI Kochi hosted the 4th National Annual Review Workshop of NICRA Project
Jawaharlal Nehru Young Scientist Award for outstanding PhD thesis in Fisheries Science 2014 was bagged by Dr. P.A Vikas
Cadalmin Antidiabetic extract (ADe) from seaweeds released
CMFRI has opened an innovative communication platform titled “Kadal Anubhavangalâ€
Final Workshop of FAO-BOBLME Projects at Tuticorin Research Centre of CMFRI
Fish ageing and image analysis laboratory inaugurated at CMFRI Kochi
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Silver Jubilee Celebrations
CMFRI successfully demonstrates oyster farming in Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra
The Commissioner of Fisheries, Mr. Ramsankar Naik, visited Visakhapatnam RC of CMFRI
Shri. Aditya Kumar Joshi, Joint Secretary (Fy), DAHDF visited CMFRI
Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi visited CMFRI on 4th June 2015
Agriculture Minister for State Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Balyan visited CMFRI
CMFRI wins ICAR South Zone Inter Institutional Sports Championship Trophy-2015
International Training Course of NF-Pogo Alumni Network for Oceans (NANO) at CMFRI, Mandapam
Press Meet for the release of estimates of Marine Fish Landings in India for 2014
Dr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR visited VRC of CMFRI
Harvest of cultured Red Snapper at Calicut
CMFRI Team at ICAR Inter zonal sports meet
Harvest of milkfish at Pillaimadam lagoon, Tamil Nadu
Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture Shri. Radha Mohan Singh interacting with state Minister
Launching of new website of CMFRI
Open House in connection with Foundation Day celebrations
Stamp: First MSC Certified Clam Fishery in India
Launching of MSC Certified Short Neck Clam Fishery
Union Minister of Agriculture visits CMFRI
Harvest of Cage Farmed Cobia Integrated with Seaweed at Munaikadu Village
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched at CMFRI, Kochi
CMFRI bags coveted Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Puraskar
QRT visit at Visakhapatnam RC of CMFRI on 04.07.2014
Consultation Meeting on Sea Cucumber at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Stakeholder's Meeting on Sea Weeds at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Inauguration of summer school at Mandapam RC of CMFRI
Awareness Programme on Conservation of Sharks in Indian Seas organised by Mumbai RC of CMFRI
Harvest of Finfish and shellfish from cages at Rajulalanka, AP under technical guidance of Visakhapatnam RC of CMFRI
Training Program on ‘Image Pearl Production’ at Vizhinjam RC of CMFRI
Presentation of CMFRI Mementos on 86th ICAR Foundation Day
Signing of CMFRI-NIO MoU on Mudbank project at CMFRI on 07 July 2014
Press Meet for release of Estimates of Marine Fish Landings in India-2013
Harvest of cage farmed cobia, Inauguration of Reef Aquarium and Fish Seed Production Centre and National Training on Marine Ornamental Fish Breeding and Aquarium Management Techniques at Mandapam Centre of CMFRI
Director, CMFRI gifting an Image Pearl Pendant produced at CMFRI to Smt. Sheila Dikshit, the Governor of Kerala
QRT of CIFT visiting CMFRI
Director, CMFRI receiving Rajarshi Tandon Rajyabhasa Puraskar 2012-13
ShellCon-2014 - countrys first shellfish food festival at Kochi
Open House and Foundation Day Celebrations at CMFRI, Kochi
Customised training on Mariculture for Maldivian officials
CMFRI Organizes Oyster Farmers Award Ceremony at Moothakunnam, Kerala
Hindi Chethana Mas celebration 2013 at CMFRI
Handover Ceremony of CMFRI Research Vessel F.V.Silver Pompano
CMFRI book "The Indian Sacred Chank" released by Hon. Union Minister of Agriculture Shri. Sharad Pawar on 16.07.2013 on the occation of 85th ICAR Foundation day at New Delhi
India’s first Marine Finfish Brood Bank, Recirculating Aquaculture System and Mariculture Complex commissioned by Dr.S.Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR on 12th May 2013 at the Mandapam Regional Centre
Hon. Union Minister for Agriculture Shri. Sharad Pawarji visits CMFRI Karwar cage farm
Harvest from sea cage farm by CMFRI for tribals under ICAR’s TSP programme, Somnath, Gujarat
MoU signed between CMFRI and Celestial Biolabs Ltd, Hyderabad for commercial production and marketing of Cadalmin GAe
MoU for commercialising Cadalmin GMe signed by Dr.A.J.Tharakan, Chairman, Accelerated Freeze Drying Company P.Ltd and Dr.G.Syda Rao, Director, CMFRI
Inauguration of the Renovated Laboratory cum Office Complex of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Karwar
National Consultation on Integrated Development of Uttara Kannada District
Cage farming of mullet in open backwater in Kerala
The first e-book of CMFRI on Seaweeds and Seagrasses Herbarium released by Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR Dr. S. Ayyappan
Inaugration of new Laboratory cum Office Building of Mangalore RC of CMFRI by Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR
CMFRI conducts maiden harvest of newly bred fish Silver Pompano at Antervedi Fish Farm, Andhra Pradesh
AISRF International Workshop on Preparing for Climate Change on Marine Systems in Australia and India held at CMFRI, Kochi on 6-10 March 2012
Indo-Australia strategic workshop on preparing for climate change on marine systems in Australia and India on 16-20 Jan 2012 at Hobart, Australia
9th Indian Fisheries Forum
Workshop on An Assessment of Literacy, Health and Income of Fishers in India at CMFRI
Honourable President of India Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil presenting the Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Puraskar for 2009-2010
Foundation stone laying ceremony of office cum laboratory building of VRC of CMFRI , Vizhinjam.
Fishermen adopts small scale cage culture (CAPTURE BASED AQUACULTURE) at Uppunda, Byndoor, Karnataka : A success story
NACA-CMFRI Seminar on "Emerging Issues in Asian Aquaculture"
Fish Catch
Fish Watch
Online Payment