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The Fishery Resources Assessment, Economics & Extension Division is dedicated to comprehending and overseeing the marine fisheries of India for its sustainable development. A primary research focus within the division involves establishing a Geo- referenced Marine Fisheries Resources Information System for the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This utilizes Enhanced Survey Protocols and Methodological Platforms for Stock Assessment, Forecasting, and Ecosystem Modeling. Furthermore, the division evaluates Marine Fisheries Ecosystems, considering socio-economic factors, resource use efficiency, distribution, and consumption demand, with a policy outlook. The overarching goal is to ensure Sustainable Fisheries Stewardship through Behavioral Analysis and Dynamic Capacity Building, with a specific emphasis on Gender Inclusivity and Livelihood Enhancement. Research projects conducted under this domain, both ongoing and completed, have yielded notable achievements. These include the development and enhancement of the National Marine Fishery database, which has been continuously updated and maintained since 1950. Additionally, comprehensive census data have been compiled and disseminated through reports, assisting maritime states and fisheries-related organizations in making informed decisions.  

Stock assessments of various commercially significant marine fish species have been conducted, informing resource management strategies. The division has also contributed to determining potential yields and optimum fleet sizes for several maritime states, in line with governmental directives. Remarkable technological and conceptual advancements include the establishment of databases on marine fishing economics, private capital formation, and spatio-temporal pricing. Furthermore, innovative communication tools such as video films and comprehensive methodologies for gender mainstreaming assessment have been developed to promote sustainable practices in the marine fisheries sector. These efforts underscore the commitment to advancing knowledge, technology, and policy frameworks for the conservation and sustainable management of marine fisheries resources in the country.

