Focus of Research :
- Fisheries Extension Management
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Self Help Group Dynamics
Background :
After masters in Agricultural Extension from KAU, I had a brief stint of 2 years as Project Manager in Kerala Horticulture Development Programme (KHDP), a joint venture of Commission of European Communities & Govt. of Kerala. Then I moved to IARI, New Delhi for PhD in Ag. Extension Management. Thereafter, I am working in Socio Economic Evaluation & Technology Transfer Division of CMFRI focussing on extension research and right now, also as Manager of Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) taking care of practical extension. As per the national and international recognitions attained, I focused on the research on SHGs in Indian fisheries sector. My projects on coastal indebtedness and impact of microfinance & gender mainstreaming brought out interactive multi-media cyber extension packages as ICT modules and documentaries. The recognition received as ‘Commented Paper’ in Asian Fisheries Forum, orientation training on Evaluation Capacity Building on Rural Resource Management by Michigan State University, USA & International Development Research Centre, Canada, training received on Empowering Vulnerable Stakeholder Groups by UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) etc. also fortified me to contribute more to gender mainstreaming perspective and women empowerment paradigm as the prime foci of research. I am also getting established as a professional behavioural trainer in Leadership and Personal Effectiveness.
Education :
- PhD (AgriculturalExtension Management): 1998, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), NewDelhi
- MSc (AgriculturalExtension): 1994, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur.
- PGDPR & J: 1996,Post Graduate Diplomas in Public Relations & Journalism, School of Communication& Management Studies (SCMS), Kochi.
- BSc (Agriculture):1990, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur.
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | An Inclusive Perspective of Gender Mainstreaming in Indian FisheriesSector | CMFRI |
2 | Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Fisherfolk through EntrepreneurialCapacity Building of Self Help Groups in Marine Sector | DST |
3 | Responsible Marine Fisheries Governance: Compliance Analysis andPeripatetic Capacity Development | CMFRI |
4 | Popularizing eco-friendly molluscan farming strategies | CMFRI |
5 | Supply Chain Management of Marine Fisheries Sector In India | ICAR |
6 | Development of Fishery Management Plans for sustaining Marine Fisheriesof Maharashtra | CMFRI |
7 | Gender Mainstreaming and Impact of Self Help Groups in Marine FisheriesSector | CMFRI |
8 | Fisher welfare impact assessment on the satellitebased Ocean information services | INCOIS |
Awards & Recognitions :
- ‘IARI Gold Medal’ foroutstanding academic performance and meritorious PhD thesis in IARI, New Delhi.(1999).
- ‘Young Scientist Award’ ofIndian Society of Extension Education (ISEE), New Delhi (2005).
- ‘Best Paper Award’ of IndianSociety of Extension Education (ISEE) in National Seminar on “Green to Evergreen: Challenges to ExtensionEducation, at IARI, New Delhi (2005).
- ‘Best Paper Award’ of IndianSociety of Extension Education (ISEE) in National Seminar on “ICT: Opportunities & Challenges for RevitalizingExtension System” at Navsari Agricultural University, Gujarat (2006).
- ‘Commended Paper Award’ ofAsian Fisheries Society, Philippines in the international seminar ‘8th AsianFisheries Forum’Special Symposium on ‘Gender andFisheries’ (2007).
- ‘Best Paper Award’ in Internationalseminar on Ecosystem conservation, Climate change and Sustainable development(ECOCASD-2013)jointly organised by Ambo University, Ethiopia, University of Kerala &Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala (2013).
- ‘Best Paper Award’ in National official language scientific seminar on“Mariculture” CMFRI Rajbhasha Section (2016).
- Vipinkumar,V.P. Swathi Lekshmi, P.S. Ramachandran, C. Narayanakumar, R. Shyam,S Salim, Johnson, B. Gills, Reshma, Jayasankar Reeta, Aswathy, N., Athira, P.V., Dona, P. and Salas, Shalumol .2020. The paradigm of gender mainstreamingand impact of SHGs in Indian fisheries sector: an ephemeral depiction. Multilogic inScience, 10 (35). pp. 1293-1296. ISSN 2277-7601
- Vipinkumar,V.P., Gills, Reshma, Swathi Lekshmi, P.S, Narayanakumar, R., Ramachandran, C.Subramanniyan, Shinoj, Vikas, P.A., Aswathy, N., Athira, P.V. and Ambrose, T.V. 2020. Women SHGs in the Midst of Covid 19Pandemic: A Cautionary Glimpse on a Transition in Kerala Fisheries. Indian Journal of Pure and AppliedBiosciences, 8 (6). pp. 16-27. ISSN 2582 – 2845
- Vipinkumar,V.P, Narayanakumar, R., Ramachandran, C, Gills, Reshma, Harshan, N.K., Athira,P.V., Jephi, Annmary, Dhanya, G. Shalumol,S., and Dona, P .2018. Gender Mainstreaming in Women SHGs through SeafoodKitchens in Kerala: An Appraisal. Journal of the MarineBiological Association of India, 60 (2). pp. 59-66.
- Vipinkumar,V.P, Sahoo,P.K, Srinath,Krishna, Ambrose,T.V and Jiban Dash,S.S. 2013. Genderperspectives and dynamics of bivalve farming Self Help Groups. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 60 (3). pp. 59-66.
- Vipinkumar,V.P, Shyam,S.Salim,Narayanakumar,R, Sathiadhas,R, Madan,M.S, Ramachandran,C,Swathilekshmi,P.S and Johnson,B. 2013. Coastal Rural Indebtedness and Impact of Microfinance in Marine FisheriesSector. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, e book, 138pp.