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ECB of the SHGs of SC beneficiaries and individual entrepreneurs in appropriate technologies such as Cage culture, Pearl spot seed production, Fish vending, Fish Fertilizer production, Value addition, Integrated fish farming, Fish culture, Mussel culture, Oyster culture, Clam collection, Fish drying and Fish Value addition etc. will be imparted. Training will be undertaken in three stages, such as awareness programme, orientation training and demonstration sessions. The data base and success stories of the interventions along with Science & Technological ventures in fisheries sector will be digitised and documented in the state of the art Data Documentation Centre of STI Hub of CMFRI with Entrepreneur Consultancy Cell, Entrepreneur Technology Park & Digital Training Hall on ECB which in turn can act as the case models and practical manuals for ensuring the sustainability of the fishery based entrepreneurial technological interventions further. The practical expeditions of the Hub in various potential localities will be undertaken with a Mobile training unit with essential lab equipment and canoes with safety gadgets and all essential digital devices such as cameras and drone to record the interventions.

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