Sea ranching of the green tiger shrimp under the Central Sector Scheme component of "Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana"
A total of 1.8 million green tiger shrimp seeds (PL 25) were sea ranched at Vedalai (Gulf of Mannar) on 7 th November, 2024 under the Project entitled "Sea ranching of Green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) Post Larvae (PL) in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu" funded by Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India under the Central Sector Scheme component of the PMMSY. The shrimp seeds were released by Shri. M. Sivakumar, Assistant Director of Fisheries and Fisherman Welfare, Mandapam, Vedalai Fishermen Association Leaders in the presence of Dr. K. Vinod, Head and Dr. G. Tamilmani, Principal Investigator of the project, Scientists and staff of Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI. The fishermen thanked the Government of India and ICAR-CMFRI for such an initiative and expressed that this activity will be helpful in replenishing the green tiger shrimp stock. A total of 103.54 million green tiger shrimp seeds were sea ranched in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar since the inception of the Project (February, 2022). The sea ranching programme was coordinated by Dr. B. Johnson, Senior Scientist of the Centre.