Sea cage harvest under SCSP -Vizag on Farmers Day
Sea cage farming technology was disseminated to the beneficiaries of Madiga community from Scheduled Caste under the Schedule Caste Sub plan of ICAR-CMFRI, Visakapatnam Regional Centre. The beneficiaries were formed society, Dalit Fishery Development Society, and the culture technology was disseminated to the society members. In the event, two HDPE cage of 6 m dia, and 4 meter depth was used, and the sea cage was stocked with hatchery produced Indian pompano. The fish was nursery reared in the indoor nursery tank facility till reaching an optimum stockable size of 15 ± 5 g and then stocked at density of 12 no/m3 during June, 2024. The fish fingerlings were fed with formulated pellet feed containing 40-45% protein and 10% fat twice a day. The grown out cultured fishes were harvested at an average size of 525 ± 30 g on 23rd December, 2024 after approximately seven months of culture. A total of 1.0 tonnes of Indian pompano was harvested and sold to Renown Sea Food, Visakhapatnam @ Rs 310/kg. The harvest even was inaugurated by Dr. Joe K Kizhakudan, Head, Visakhapatnam Regional Centre, ICAR-CMFRI and the event was also witnessed by fishermen from different fisheries societies in Jalaripettai and Peddajalaripettai, Visakhapatnam