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Hindi fortnight celebration at Madras Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI

With a view to commemorate the event of adopting Hindi as Official Language of the Indian Union and to encourage the use of Hindi, the Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) of Madras Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI, Chennai celebrated Hindi Fortnight from 14/09/2024 to 27/09/2024. The Scientist-in-Charge inaugurated and highlighted the importance of Hindi usage in official communication. Rajbhasha Pledge issued by the Department of Official language was administered to all the staff members. Different levels of competitions (Copy writing, Dictation, Translation, Memory Game, Quiz, Elocution and Singing were conducted for the staff members of the centre according to their level of competence (lower and higher level). The Valedictory function was held on 30.9.2024. Dr. P.Saraswathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, University of Madras graced the occasion as Chief Guest. She praised the official language implementation activities carried out by the centre and the tremendous improvement seen among the staff members in the Hindi pronunciation and verbal communication. Certificates and prizes were distributed to the winners of different competitions.

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