Capacity building on seaweed farming activities by the Centre of Excellence on Seaweed at Mandapam
As a part of the activities of the Centre of Excellence, the Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI organized two simultaneous events - training on seaweed farming to two scientists from M/s. Sowbhagya Biotech(P)Limited, Hyderabad and awareness-cum-seaweed culture exposure visit to 33 fisherwomen/fisheries officials from Karaikal district during 20-22 January, 2025.
Hands-on experience on bamboo raft, monoline & tube-net methods of seaweed farming was provided to the participants of the training programme. Orientation on farming of edible seaweeds, Good Management Practices in seaweed farming, utilisation of seaweeds, products derived from seaweeds, value addition of seaweeds for human food products was also given. Interaction with progressive seaweed farmers, marketers & industries were arranged. Visit to sea cage & IMTA farm, seaweed farming site at Munaikadu, seaweed plantlet production unit & other facilities of Mandapam Regional Centre gave a rich experience to the participants.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. K. Vinod, Head, Mandapam Regional Centre. The convenors of the programme were Dr. Johnson, B., Senior Scientist, Dr. R. Bavithra, Scientist & Dr. K. Vinod, Principal Scientist & Head.