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Shri. Tanveer Hussain

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Marine finfish breeding and seed production
  • Marine finfish grow out (open sea cage, pond and RAS)
  • Fish reproductive biology and physiology

Background :

I completed my B.F.Sc. from the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, and masters (M.F.Sc) in Aquaculture from ICAR-CIFE during 2011-2013, I joined the Agricultural Research Service in 2016 and posted as a scientist at ICAR-CIBA, Chennai. I worked on the development of hatchery and farming technologies for economically important brackishwater food fishes. In 2023, I joined the Karwar Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI and I am currently working on the breeding, seed production and farming of marine finfish species (maze rabbitfish and seabreams).


Education :

  • M.F.Sc 2013,Aquaculture, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai
  • B.F.Sc 2011 Fisheries Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore         

       Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka                                 

Current Research Projects :

Current Research Projects:


Project Title

Funded By


Development of hatchery technologies for commercially important species in mariculture



Development of sustainable mariculture practices through technological innovations in cage and coastal farming



Evaluation of crowding and transportation stress in selected mariculture species and development of stress management strategies



Development of seed quality indices for farmed marine finfishes




All India Network Project on Mariculture


Awards & Recognitions :

  • Awarded the Dr. C.V. Kulkarni Gold Medal for the Best M.F.Sc Student Research Award (2013–2014) for M.F.Sc dissertation.
  • Certificate of Appreciation awarded by ICAR-CIBA Chennai in recognition of tireless effort and dedicated research contributions in ICAR-CIBA.
  • Hussain, T., et al. (2025). Best presentation award for the paper year-round breeding and seed production of maze rabbitfish, Siganus vermiculatus in a recirculatory aquaculture system at the 14th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (International Conference), ICAR Convention Centre, New Delhi, India, 12-15 February 2025.
    Best 5 Publications :
    • Hussain T., Verma A.K., Tiwari, V.K., Prakash. C., Rathore. G., Shete. A.P., and Nuwansi. K.K.T. 2014. Optimizing Koi carp, Cyprinus carpio var Koi (Linneaus, 1758) stocking density and nutrient recycling with spinach in an aquaponic system. Journal of World Aquaculture society.45: 652 – 661.
    • Hussain T., Verma A.K., Tiwari, V.K., Prakash. C., Rathore. G., Shete. A.P., and Saharan. N. 2015. Effect of water flow rates on growth of Cyprinus carpio var koi (Linneaus, 1758) and spinach plant in aquaponic system. Aquaculture international. 23: 369 – 384.
    • Hussain, T., Philipose, K.K., Loka Jayasree., Kailasam, M., Biswas, G., Prem Kumar., Bera, Aritra., and R., Subburaj. 2021. Cannibalism, Survival and growth of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifier (Bloch,1790) fry in different stocking densities. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. Vol. 24(1): 147-153.
    • Mandal, B., Kailasam, M., Bera, A., Sukumaran, K., Hussain, T., Biswas, G. and Vijayan, K.K., 2021. Standardization of oocyte size during artificial fertilization and optimization of stocking density during indoor larval and outdoor nursery rearing of captive spotted scat (Scatophagus argus) for a viable juvenile production system. Aquaculture, 534, p.736262.
    • Kumar, P., Chandan, N.K., Biswas, G., Mandal, B., Hussain, T., Kailasam, M. and Jithendran, K.P., 2023. Fatty acid mobilization and histological changes at different maturation stages of female hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha. Aquaculture, 576, p.739887.
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