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Shri. Sunil Kumar S. Ail

Role : Scientist
   +91 824 2424152

Focus of Research :

  • Shellfish Fisheries
  • Bivalve farming

Background :

After completing my Master's in Fisheries Science (2013) from ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, I joined the Indian Council of Agricultural Research as an ARS Scientist in 2015. I served as a Scientist at the Regional Research Centre, Anand, Gujarat, of ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture from 2015 to 2018. I continued my service at CIFA Headquarters in Bhubaneswar from 2018 to 2022, focusing on the captive breeding of freshwater indigenous ornamental fishes. In April 2022, I joined ICAR-CMFRI at the Chennai Regional Station and am currently serving at the Mangalore Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI.


Education :

  • Ph D 2020 ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education
  • M.F.Sc 2013 ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education
  • B.F.Sc 2011 Kerala Agricultural University

Current Research Projects :

Current Research Projects:


Project Title

Funded By


Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment
Framework (IAF) to support management decisions for marine
fisheries in Karnataka & Goa


Assessment and management of small-scale bivalve and gastropod
fisheries for sustainable exploitation in India


Development of sustainable mariculture practices through
technological innovations in cage and coastal farming


Developing a National Roadmap for Integrated Coastal
Conservation and Fisheries Enhancement along the Indian coast
through Artificial reefs


Socio Economic Impact Evaluation of Mariculture Technology InterventionsCMFRI


Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) for the alternate
livelihood of fishers and augmenting fish production of coastal
waters in Karnataka

    Best 5 Publications :
    1. Ail, S.K.S., Misra, C.K., Chaudhari, A.K., Landge, A., Dube, K., Nayak, B.B. and Shenoy, L., 2019. Comparative analysis of fish culture methods in village ponds of Gujarat. Fishery Technology, 56(4).
    2. Ail, S.S., Krishnan, M., Jayasankar, J., Landge, A. and Shenoy, L., 2014. Evaluation of compliance of marine fisheries of Kerala with article 8 of FAO CCRF. Fishery Technology, 51, pp.167-172.
    3. Kumar Rajan, Dash Gyanaranjan, Muktha M, Sasikumar Geetha, U Ganga, Shoba Joe Kizhakudan, Anulekshmi Chellappan, SN Bhendekar, Sandhya Sukumaran, Sujitha Thomas, Eldho Varghese, EM Abdussamad, Jose
      Josileen, Swatipriyanka Sen Dash, Shikha Rahangdale, S Lakshmi Pillai, L Remya, KV Akhilesh, Rekha D Chakraborty, KM Rajesh, TM Najmudeen, Somy Kuriakose, KG Mini, GB Purushottama, M Kavitha, R Vidya, Ajay D
      Nakhawa, R Vinothkumar, Subal Kumar Roul, V Mahesh, Livi Wilson, Indira Divipala, F Jasmin, P Abdul Azeez, S Surya, Mohammed Koya, HM Manas, Vinay Kumar Vase, M Rajkumar, AP Dineshbabu, PT Sarada, V Venkatesan, Rekha J Nair, Rajesh Kumar Pradhan, P Gomathi, S Ali Sunil Kumar, A Margaret Muthu Rathinam, P Laxmilatha, Shubhadeep Ghosh, J Jayasankar, A Gopalakrishnan. 2024. Assessment of marine fish stocks within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Status report 2022. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 71(1), pp.1-11.
    4. Padhi, N., Jena, S.K., Ail, S.K.S., Ferosekhan, S., Sahoo, S.N., Udit, U.K., Bairwa, M.K. and Swain, S.K., 2022. Does tank background colour influence the growth, survival, and carotenoid content in fishes? An illustration in filament barb, Dawkinsia filamentosa (Valenciennes, 1844). Aquaculture, 560, p.738536.
    5. Swain, S.K., Ail, S.K.S., Jena, S.K., Bairwa, M.K. and Sahoo, S.N., 2021. Preference of breeding substratum, embryonic development and seed production of honey gourami, Trichogaster chuna (Hamilton, 1822)-An
      indigenous ornamental fish in demand. Aquaculture, 542, p.736874.
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