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Dr. S. S. Raju

Role : Principal Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Economics of Marine Fisheries and Sustainable Management : Policy Issues and Interventions.
  • Supply chain management of marine fisheries sector In India
  • Socio-economic studies on Marine Fisher Folk.

Background :

Dr. S. S. Raju is currently working as a Principal Scientist (Agricultural Economics) at ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Before joining at CMFRI, Dr. S. S. Raju served in ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi from 14 th October 2005 to 19 th December 2015 and ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore from 14 th August, 1997 to 10 th October, 2005. Dr. S. S. Raju has been awarded APAU Agro-economic research Gold Medals at M.Sc (Ag) and PhD (Ag) levels for obtaining highest OGPA in the discipline of Agricultural Economics at University level. He is also recipient of the Team Research award of ICAR for the biennium 1999 –2000. At present Dr. S. S. Raju is engaged in research on fisheries economics and policy issues. Dr. S. S. Raju is an author of 75 research papers published in national and international journals. He was associated with 25 national and international research projects.


Education :

  • PhD (1996), College of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
  • MSc (Agricultural Economics) 1992, Agricultural College, Bapatla, APAU.
  • B.Sc(Ag), 1990, Agricultural College, Bapatla, APAU

Current Research Projects :




1Economics, Trade and Stakeholders in Marine Fisheries Sector: A Policy Outlook. (FRAEED/ETS/05).CMFRI
2Assessing the livelihood status of marine fisher folk in India using sustainable livelihood approach. (FRAEED/LIV/03)CMFRI
3Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decision for marine fisheries in Andhra Pradesh. (FFD/IAF/11)CMFRI
4A Comprehensive Praxis on Trans-Inclusive Gender Mainstreaming through the Paradigm of Sustainable Livelihoods in Indian Fisheries Sector. (FRAEED/GEN/04)CMFRI
5Bio-inventorying and documentation of marine species along the coast of Andhra Pradesh (APSBB Project).1015020APSBB
6Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for Marine Fisheries of Odisha and West Bengal. (SFD/IAF/12)CMFRI
7The Changing dynamics of labour migration on employment, livelihoods and resource productivity patterns in marine fisheries sector. (CIN/NAS/FRAEED/NASF)NASF

Awards & Recognitions :

  • Presented with the TEAM RESEARCHAWARD 1999-2000 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, in recognition of the multi-disciplinary team outstanding research contributions of Animal Nutrition and Health.
  • APAU Agro Economic Research Gold Medal 1998 for obtaining highest OGPA in Ph.D (Agril.Economics) at University level
  • APAU Agro Economic Research Gold Medal 1993 for obtaining highest OGPA in M.Sc (Agril.Economics) at University level
  • Award by Animal Nutrition Association for the best paper and presentation during the year 2002.
  • Member, Expert Group on “Weather Insurance”, Planning Commission, Government of India, 2008.
  • Dr. R.T.Doshi Foundation Award (2012). for best paper published in Agricultural Economics Research Association, 23(1) :1-14.(Second Prize).
  • Member, QRT to National Research Centre for Agro Forestry, Jhansi
  • Member, RAC to National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru
  • Dr.R.T.Doshi Foundation Award (2013) for best paper published in Agricultural Economics Research Association, 24 (1) : 1-14.(First Prize)
  • ICAR –CMFRI Merit Award-2018 for research recognition of hard work and commitment for bringing out the “Policy guidance on Marine Fisheries of Andhra Pradesh” which will be an essential guide for sustainable marine fisheries management in the state.
  • Best Oral Presentation Award in 14 th AFAF, New Delhi, 14-03-2025
    Best 5 Publications :
    • Raju,S.S., Shyam S Salim, Phalguni Pattnaik, A.M.Shinu (2021). Labour mobility in Marine Fisheries Sector. A Case study from Odisha state, eastern India. Indian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 68(3) : 111-118.
    • Raju, S. S., Ghosh, Shubhadeep, Shyam, S Salim, Pattnaik, Phalguni and Muktha, M and Narayanakumar, R (2022). Techno-economic evaluation of marine fishing operations in Andhra Pradesh, southern India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 69 (1): 137-145.
    • Raju, S. S., Narayanakumar, R., Ghosh, Shubhadeep., Pattnaik, Phalguni., Roul, Subal Kumar (2022). Economic performance of marine fishing operations in the state of Odisha, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 69 (2): 111-118.
    • Shuhadeep Ghosh., J. Charles Jeeva., S. S. Raju., Sekar Megarajan., Ritesh Ranjan., Biji Xavier., Loveson Edward and A. Gopalakrishnann (2024). Cage aquaculture of Indian Pompano for livelihood diversification of artisanal fishers: Insights from Andhra Pradesh, India. In: Indian Journal of Fisheries 7(1) : 112-120.
    • Jeeva, Charles J., Ghosh, Shubhadeep., Raju, S. S., Megarajan, Sekhar., Vipinkumar, V. P ., Edward, Loveson and Narayanakumar, R. (2022). Success of cage farming of marine finfishes in doubling farmers’ income: a techno-social impact analysis. Current Science, 123 (8) : 1031-1037.
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