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Dr. Rekhadevi Chakraborty

Role : Principal Scientist
   +91 484 2394357

Focus of Research :

  • Crustacean fisheries, population dynamics, stock assessment, and fisheries resource management
  • Taxonomy, biology, molecular taxonomy, phylogenetics, and biodiversity
  • Post-harvest technology: Fish processing, fish biochemistry, fishery microbiology and biotechnology

Background :

I completed my Bachelor's degree in Fisheries Science, followed by a Master's in Post-Harvest Technology (PHT) with a specialization in the microbiological quality of seafood products. I then pursued a Ph.D. in PHT, focusing on fishery microbiology and biotechnology. I joined the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) on April 16, 2003, at NAARM, Hyderabad. After completing management training, I was assigned to the Crustacean Fisheries Division (CFD) of CMFRI in 2003 at Veraval, where I worked on crustacean resources, including inshore shrimps, lobsters, and crabs. In 2005, I was transferred to CFD, Cochin, where I have since been engaged in research on deep-sea shrimp and lobster resources along the Kerala coast. My work has focused extensively on the integrative taxonomy of deep-sea shrimps and lobsters, utilizing both traditional and molecular tools to accurately characterize species. Currently, I am involved in research on crustacean biology, population dynamics, and developing management strategies for the sustainable exploitation of these valuable marine resources. As a research
guide, I have mentored two Ph.D. students who successfully completed their degrees at Mangalore University. Currently, four students are pursuing their Ph.D. at CUSAT, and one student is registered under CIFE.


Education :

  • PhD (Post Harvest Technology) in 2007 from Central institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin under CIFE, Mumbai
  • M.F.Sc (Post Harvest Technology) in 2001 from Central institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin under CIFE, Mumbai)
  • B.F.Sc in 1999 from College of Fisheries, Muthukur, Andhra Pradesh

Current Research Projects :

  • Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to support management decisions for marine fisheries of Kerala and Lakshadweep
  • Exploring Non-Conventional Fisheries Resources: Assessing their Fishery, Stock Status and Potential for Commercial Exploitation
  • Consultancy project Title: Technical backstopping for strengthening sustainable harvest of shrimp and cephalopod trawl fishery of Kerala, Project Code: 1014578

Awards & Recognitions :

  1. Gold medal award for securing the top score in B.F.Sc. (1999) from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh
  2. Jawarhal Nehru Award for outstanding work in Ph.D. in the stream of Fishery Biotechnology from Indian Council of Agricultural Research in 2009
  3. Prof. T. J. Pandian & A. J. Matty Award received in December, 2011 at Chennai in recognition for excellent work in aquaculture development through research. Indian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society (Indian Branch) in 2011
  4. Shortlisted for Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Award presentation in April, 2011, New Delhi, India.
  5. DST Young Scientist Project for Women Award from DST Fast Track Project by the Department of Science and Technology, SERB, India. Title of the project: Integrative Taxonomy of deep sea shrimp resources along the Southern Coast of India (SR/FT/LS- 73/2012), Project Code: DST 4001-438: 2013-2016
  6. Best Poster Award at KSC
    Sreelakshmy S   and Rekha Devi Chakraborty. Conference Proceedings “Feeding habits   of the deep-sea pandalid shrimp, Plesionika semilaevis, Spence Bate, 1888 from the southwest coast of   India”,  National Conference- 34 th  Kerala Science Congress, 10-12th  Feb  2022, Thiruvananthapuram, Pg 323-324


    Best 5 Publications :
    1. Gayathri, A P and Chakraborty, Rekha D* and Chakraborty, Kajal and Dhara, Subhajit and Dash, Gyanaranjan (2025) Seasonal fluctuations in fatty acid profile and biochemical traits of edible deep-water shrimp Heterocarpus woodmasoni. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 79. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2352 4855
    2. Aghana, M and Chakraborty, Rekha D* (2024) Insights into ovarian maturation and reproductive traits of the deep-water penaeid shrimp Metapenaeopsis andamanensis (Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason and Alcock, 1891) from southwestern India. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 209 (10434). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1879-0119
    3. Sreelakshmy, S and Chakraborty, Rekha D* (2023) Reproductive traits, dynamics of oogenesis and embryonic developments in the deep-sea shrimp Plesionika semilaevis from the southeastern Arabian sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 199. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1879-0119
    4. Kuberan, G and Chakraborty, Rekha D *and Purushothaman, P and Maheswarudu, G (2018) First record of deep-sea caridean shrimp Acanthephyra fimbriata Alcock & Anderson, 1894 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Acanthephyridae) from southwest coast of India. Zootaxa, 4531 (2). pp. 288-294.
    5. Purushothaman, P and Chakraborty, Rekha D* and Kuberan, G and Maheswarudu, G (2019) Integrative taxonomy of commercially important deep water penaeoid shrimpsfrom India. Journal of Genetics, 98 (12). pp. 1-13.
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