Focus of Research :
- Bivalve breeding and seed production
- Bivalve Mariculture
- Shellfish Fishery, Biology and Resource Management
- Breeding and seed production of fin fishes/ ornamental fishes
Background :
After completing my Master's degree in Fishery Biology (M.F.Sc., Fishery Biology), I worked as a Research Assistant in the State Fisheries Department of Tamil Nadu from 2009 to 2015. In 2015, I joined the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) through the 102nd FOCARS program at NAARM, Hyderabad. Since then, I have been serving as a Scientist at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI). From 2015 to 2022, I was part of the Molluscan Fisheries Division at the Vizhinjam Regional Centre of CMFRI. Currently, I continue my work as a Scientist in the Shellfish Fisheries Division, specializing in the mass seed production of bivalve molluscs, including the green mussel (Perna viridis), brown mussel (Perna indica), Indian backwater oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis), pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata), and the short-neck clam (Paphia malabarica). I am also involved in mussel and edible oyster farming.
Additionally, I have contributed to the captive breeding and seed production of food fish species such as the pink-ear emperor (Lethrinus lentjan) and the spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus), as well as ornamental fish, including Marcia’s anthias (Pseudanthias marcia), black ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), and coral demoiselle (Neopomacentrus nemurus). My research also includes studies on the biology and population dynamics of shellfish, including crabs, lobsters, cephalopods, mussels, and clams.
Education :
- M.F.Sc- 2008- College of Fisheries, Panangad, Kochi, KAU, Kerala
- B.F.Sc - 2006-Fisheries College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu
- Ph.D(Pursuing) in KUFOS , Kerala
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | SFD/BGF/17-Assessment and management of small-scale bivalve and gastropod fisheries for sustainable exploitation in India -Co-PI | CMFRI |
2 | MD/CBR/18-Captive breeding and seed production of important finfishes, shellfishes and other invertebrates for sustainable mariculture, fisheries enhancement, and conservation -Co-PI | CMFRI |
3 | MDN/SMP/19-Development of sustainable mariculture practices through technological innovations in cage and coastal farming-Co- PI | CMFRI |
4 | FFD/IAF/09-Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to support management decisions for marine fisheries in Kerala & Lakshadweep-Co-PI | CMFRI |
5 | FFD/ENCFR/33-Exploring Non-Conventional Fisheries Resources: Assessing their Fishery, Stock Status, and Potential for Commercial Exploitation- Project Associate (Project Associate) | CMFRI |
6 | AINP –Mariculture project-Co-PI | ICAR |
7 | E. G. Silas Centre of Excellence and Innovations (EGS - CoEI) in Marine Fish Microbiome and Nutrigenomics. Co-PI | DBT |
8 | Development of Pilot-Scale Open-Sea Eco-Mussel Farms in India – A Blue growth project - Co-PI | PMMSY |
- Gomathi, P., Siju, R., Anil, M.K., Ambarish, G.P., Surya, S., Raju, B., Raheem, P.K., Ignatius, B. and Gopalakrishnan, A., 2021. Embryonic and larval development of Pink ear emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede, 1802) under captive conditions. Aquaculture Research, 52(11), pp.5857-5869.
- Gomathi, P., Anil, M.. K., Raheem, P .K Neethu Raj, P., Rohini Krishna, M .V., Ambarish, Gop P Surya, S.2020. Egg and Larval Development of Serranid Fish Marcia’s Anthias, Pseudanthias marcia (Subfamily: Anthiinae) Spawned and Reared under Captive Condition. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. 36 (1), 23-31.
- Anil, M K., Gomathi, P., Sugi, V .V., Raheem, P. K., Raju, B., Ambarish, Gop P., Santhosh, B., Philipose, K. K.,Gopakumar, G., and Gopalakrishnan, A.2019. Captive maturation, breeding and seed production of Pink ear emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede, 1802) (Family: Lethrinidae) in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Aquaculture, 503. pp. 207-216.
- Anil, M K Gomathi, P Raheem, P K Raju, B Philipose, K K and Gopalakrishnan, A.2018. Captive broodstock development, breeding and seed production of Anthid fish (family: Serranidae) Marcias anthias, Pseudanthias marcia in recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). Aquaculture, 492. pp. 265-272.
- Anil, M K and Rohini Krishna, M V and Gomathi, P and Surya, S and Ambarish, Gop P and Santhosh, B and Siju, R and Anand, V and Krishnapriya, P M and Shalin, O and Raju, B and Madhu, K and Gopalakrishnan, A.2022. Recent advances in marine ornamental breeding and seed production at Vizhinjam Regional Centre of CMFRI India. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, p.907568.
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