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Shri. Nakhawa Ajay Dayaram

Role : Scientist
   +91 22 22845260

Focus of Research :

  • Fishery biology and marine ecology
  • Remote sensing, geographic information system and climate change
  • Fishery stock assessment, management and policy

Education :

  • B. F. Sc (2007) College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri
  • M.F. Sc (2010) College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri

Current Research Projects :

Current Research Projects:


Project Title

Funded By


Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for marine fisheries of Maharashtra




Decoding the interplay of fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent factors on elasmobranchs of India to improve conservation, sustainability, livelihood security and managementIn-house


Resource assessment and management framework for sustainable marine fisheries of Lakshadweep (PEL/LAK/06)-ICAR-CMFRI In-house


Marine Mammal Stock Assessment in India-Dept. of Fisheries, GOI 


National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture - Marine Fisheries 

Awards & Recognitions :

  1. Technology Certificate - ICAR - A framework using biological reference points for
    assessing the health status of marine fish stocks
  2. Technology Certificate - ICAR - ArcGIS Web Application: An interactive seaweed
    farming sites along Indian Coast 


    Best 5 Publications :
    1. Nakhawa, A. D., Chellapan, A., KV, A., Bhendekar, S., Kumar, R., Vase, V. K., & PU, Z. (2023a). Investigation of teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera (Cramer, 1777) outbreak on mangrove ecosystem in Mumbai metropolitan region using multi-spectral satellite data. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 60, 102828.
    2. Anulekshmi, N. C., Nakhawa, N. a. D., Azeez, N. P. A., Akhilesh, N. K. V., Bhendekar, N. S., Khandagle, N. P. A., Ghosh, N. S., Zacharia, N. P. U.,  Rohit, N. P. (2024c). Biology of the Bombayduck Harpadon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822) from the north-eastern Arabian Sea, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 71(1).
    3. Vase, V. K., Jayaraman, J., Kumar, R., Nakhawa, A.,  Rohit, P. (2022). Spatial mapping of fishing by Trawl fleet along the northeastern Arabian Sea: A Passive Geo-referencing technique in spatial data-sparse fishery. Thalassas an International Journal of Marine Sciences, 38(2), 779–792.
    4. Akter, S., Nakhawa, A., Bhendekar, S., Lal, D. M., Abidi, Z. J., Nayak, B. B., & Ramteke, K. (2024b). Deciphering the distribution of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1817) along the Northwest coasts of India. Thalassas an International Journal of Marine Sciences, 40(3), 1481–1493.
    5. Nakhawa, A. D., Tandel, S., Chellapan, A., K, A., V., & Kumar, R. (2021b). First record of hyperpigmentation in a unicorn cod, Bregmaceros Mcclellandi thompson, 1840 (Gadiformes: Bregmacerotidae), from the north-west coast of India. Thalassas an International Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(2), 683–688.
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