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Smt. M. Kavitha

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Shellfish Resource Management
  • Shellfish taxonomy and biology
  • Breeding and mariculture of marine molluscs

Background :

After acquiring M.F.Sc in Aquatic Environment and Management, I qualified ARS in Aquaculture Discipline and I joined as Scientist in ICAR-CMFRI in 2014 in Molluscan Fisheries Division, CMFRI. Currently, I am working on shellfish resources and its management. Also, I am involved in seed production aspects of cephalopod, bivalve, and gastropod species of India and sea ranching of selected molluscan species.


Education :

  • M.F.Sc. - 2012 : Aquatic Environment Management (Fisheries College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu)
  • B.F.Sc. - 2010 (Fisheries College and Research Institute, TANUVAS, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu)

Current Research Projects :

NoTitleFunded By
1Science for sustainability: developing an integrated assessment framework to support management decisions for marine fisheries in Tamil Nadu & Puducherry – (Co-PI)CMFRI
2Exploring Non-Conventional Fisheries Resources: Assessing their Fishery, Stock Status and Potential for commercial exploitation  – (Co-PI)CMFRI
3Assessment and management of small-scale bivalve and gastropod fisheries for sustainable exploitation in India – (Co-PI)CMFRI
4Captive breeding and seed production of important finfishes, shellfishes and other invertebrates for sustainable mariculture, fisheries enhancement, and conservation – (Co-PI)CMFRI
5Environmental Sustainability through Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA): A participatory approach for the socio- economic upliftment of coastal fishers of Thoothukudi District, Tamil NaduNABARD

Awards & Recognitions :

  • Dr. S.L. Mehta award for the best M.F.Sc. student in Fisheries Environment.
  • Puratchi Thalaivi Dr. J. Jeyalalitha Endowment for best lady student in M.F.Sc.
  • Professor G. Rangaswamy award for the best M.F.Sc student.
  • Sardar Buta Singh medal for the best M.F.Sc. student.


    Best 5 Publications :
    • Kavitha, M and Sasikumar, Geetha and Linga Prabu, D and Laxmilatha, P and Sajikumar, K K (2024) Age and growth of bigfin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae), in Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 104 (e52). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1469-7769
    • Rajkumar, M and Pillai, S Lakshmi and Saravanan, Raju and Ranjith, L and Kavitha, M and Kizhakudan, Shoba Joe (2024) Fishery status of the green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) in Palk Bay, in the southeast coast of India: Local and global perspectives. Ocean and Coastal Management, 258. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0964-5691
    • Kavitha, M and Jagadis, I and Linga Prabu, D and Kalidas, C and Ranjith, L and Willington, S (2022) Hatchery production of juveniles of pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis (Ehrenberg,1831) from stranded eggs and sea ranching along the Thoothukudi coast. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 51 (4). pp. 322-326.ISSN 0379-5136
    • Kavitha, M and Sasikumar, Geetha and Jagadis, I and Ranjith, L and Jasmin, F (2022) Insight on the reproductive biology of small striped cuttlefish, Sepia prabahari in Gulf of Mannar, Indian Ocean and recommendation for a minimum legal size. Fisheries Research, 248. pp. 1-8.
    • Jagadis, I and Kavitha, M and Padmanathan, J and Maharshi, V Ashok and Varadarakumar, A (2017) Lessons on broodstock maintenance, spawning, larval rearing and juvenile production of marine gastropods of ornamental value. Aquaculture Research, 48. pp. 2581-2592.
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