Dr. Joe K. Kizhakudan
Role : Principal Scientist & Head, Visakhapatnam RC
+91 44 27472093
Focus of Research :
- Marine Lobster fisheries and Mariculture, Crustacean Biology
- Artificial Reefs Designs, siting, deployments and monitoring, Fisheries Management.
- Sea Cage farming, Conservation Mariculture and sea Ranching
- Climate Change -Impact assessment, Bio assay and coastal vulnerability
Background :
Student of Mariculture PGPM CAS ICAR CMFRI (1991-93), Joined in ICAR ARS (94) service in 1996 and served at HQ Kochi (three months), Veraval RC (SIC-2 years) and Chennai RS (SIC KFL-15 years) and Now HoRC RC of Visakhapatnam. Served in CFD till 2001 and further in Mariculture Division and worked on Marine Lobster mariculture since then and have associated in NATP Dams, Ornamentals, NAIP Shellfish Mariculture, Network on Climate Change I and II, FIMSUL-I-II, NICRA, RIA, EIA, IFAD-consultancy, TNFD -consultancy, D o Forests Gujarat - consultancy, Senior Expert on Artificial Reefs and sea ranching for the DoF PMMSY.
Education :
- Completed BSc Zool,1989: B.Sc. ZOOLOGY (First Class with Distinction) MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERISTY, KERALA 1991.
- MSc Mariculture PGPM ICAR CMFRI JRF in 1993: M.Sc. MARICULTURE (First Class with Distinction & II Rank) COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, KERALA ---CMFRI 1993
- ARS/SRF/NET: 1994(Selected for NABARD and ICAR SRF/NET/ARS in the year 1994 and joined ARS in 1996 as Scientist at ICAR CMFRI HQ Kochi and subsequently at Veraval reg Station for 7 years and then at Chennai RS (Kovalam Field Lab) for twenty years and as Head of RC of Visakhapatnam since June 2023. Served as SIC of RS of Veraval for two years and as SIC KFL Chennai for twenty years.)
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | Developing a National Roadmap for Integrated Coastal Conservation and Fisheries Enhancement along the Indian coast through Artificial reefs (MD/AR/21)Mariculture Division | ICAR CMFRI |
2 | Captive breeding and seed production of important finfishes, shellfishes and other invertebrates for sustainable mariculture, fisheries enhancement, and conservation (MD/CBR/18). Mariculture Div | ICAR CMFRI |
3 | Translational Mariculture Grow-out Technologies: Bridging Innovation and sustainability for Blue Growth and a-Greener Future | ICAR CMFRI |
4 | Development of seed quality indices for farmed marine finishes (MD/LQI/22.) Mariculture Div | ICAR CMFRI |
5 | Evaluation of crowding and transportation stress in selected mariculture species and development of stress management strategies (MD/CTS/20). Mariculture Div | ICAR CMFRI |
6 | Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to support management decisions for marine fisheries of Andhra Pradesh (FFD/IAF/11). FFD | ICAR CMFRI |
7 | Health Monitoring and Management strategies for marine finfish and shellfish. MBFHND | ICAR CMFRI |
8 | All India Network project on Mariculture (AINP M) 10(5)/PME/AINP-M/2019-Network on Mariculture .MD | ICAR AINP_M |
9 | MPEDA/MMSAI/PMMSY/ 2023-Marine Mammals | MPEDA |
10 | TSP SCSP programs in AP and Odisha | ICAR CMFRI scheme |
11 | Marine fish and shellfish nutrition research with nutrigenomic approach. MBFHND | ICAR CMFRI |
12 | APSBB (Andhra Pradesh State Biodiversity Board) funded PME/APSBB/VRC/ 2022. | APSSB |
13 | Bioprospecting of Marine Organisms for Mariculture Advancements and Human Health Application. MBFHND | ICAR CMFRI |
14 | ICAR funded PME/ERPRC/DARE-ICAR- 02/NICRA/2010. | ICAR |
15 | Standardisation and demonstration of farming methods for marine finfish, John’s snapper Lutjanus johnii in marine cages and earthen ponds- towards species diversification | NFDB |
16 | Artificial reefs in India for sustainable fisheries –Awareness programmes and meetings in coastal states | NFDB |
17 | Omics approaches in Indian pompano Trachinotus mookalee and the Indian edible oyster Crassostrea bilineata (Magallana bilineata) to develop genomic resources for ensuring sustainable aquaculture. | DBT |
18 | Impact assessment of deployed artificial reefs during Phase I in 49 villages(200sites) in TN. Consultancy | TN DoF |
19 | Survey and identification of suitable sites and deployment for Phase II (43 F Villages /217 sites) in coastal Tamil Nadu state for improvement of coastal productivity and fisher livelihoods.Consultancy | TN DoF |
20 | Sites selection, and coordinating deployment of Artificial Reefs in 22 sites of Northern Coastal Andhra Pradesh “Promotion of Sustainable Fisheries and Livelihoods of Andhra Pradesh through Artificial Reef Installation’ Consultancy | KSCAD C DoF |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Best paper presentation, lead author-12thIFAF, Chennai
- Best paper presentation, lead author- Dr M Devaraj Memorial award at the MECOS II - 2014
- Best paper presentation -National Hindi Seminar Best presentations. 2022, CMFRI Visakhapatnam
- 6 th IFAF, Best poster Co-author
- FAO-BOBP, best poster lead author, Kochi ,2023
- ASC best Poster presentations, lead author ,2023
- Best paper presentation, lead author-14thAFAF,2025 New Delhi,
- Member of the team in 1 Patent on Sea Cage Device. *Patent application No.31/CHE/2010A-A device for breeding and culturing marine fish in open sea. publication date 25/05/2012
Best 5 Publications :
1. Kizhakudan, Joe K and Krishnamurthy, S (2014) Complete larval development of Thenus unimaculatus Burton & Davie, 2007 (Decapoda, Scyllaridae). Crustaceana, 87 (5). pp. 570-584.
2. Vivekanandan, E and Singh, V V and Kizhakudan, Joe K (2013) Carbon footprint by marine fishing boats of India. Current Science, 105 (3). pp. 361-366.
3. Kizhakudan, Joe K and Patel, S K (2010) Size at maturity in the mud spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst, 1793). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 52 (2). pp. 170-179.
4. Kizhakudan, Joe K and Deshmukh, V D (2009) Fishery and population dynamics of the spider prawn, Nematopalaemon tenuipes Henderson along the Saurashtra coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 56 (2). pp. 81-86.
5. Kizhakudan, Joe K (2002) Fishery of the blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus (Linn.) in Gujarat. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 44 (1 & 2). pp. 97-106.