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Dr. Indira Divipala

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Crustacean fisheries
  • GIS based resource distribution mapping
  • Remote sensing assisted fishery resources forecasting

Background :

Done Masters in Fisheries Science from Department of Fishery Biology, College of Fisheries, Panangad, Kochi, Kerala. I joined for ARS service in 2011 (94th FOCAR at NAARM). I have been working as Scientist in Crustacean Fisheries Division at Madras Research Centre of CMFRI, Chennai since 2012. I am currently working on stock assessment of Crustacean resources. I am involved with the GIS based resource mapping and remote sensing assisted  marine resources forecasting. Also carried out survey on availability of pearl oyster along north Andhra Pradesh coast. I am particularly interested in fish biology and biodiversity.  


Education :

  • MFSc 2008 College of Fisheries, Panangad, Kochi, Kerala
  • BFSc 2005 College of Fisheries, Muthukur, Andhra Pradesh

Current Research Projects :

NoTitleFunded By
1Remote sensing assisted biodynamic forecasting paradigm for Indian marine fishery resourcesCMFRI
2Development of Fishery Management Plans for sustaining Marine Fisheries of Tamil Nadu and PuducherryCMFRI
3GIS based resource mapping of distribution and abundance of finfishes and shellfishes off Indian coast for suggesting operational based strategies for fisheries managementCMFRI
4Development of tissue culture technology for in vitro production of pearls from the black lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera and the refinement of in vitro pearl formation in Pinctada fucataCMFRI
5National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)- Marine FisheriesICAR

Awards & Recognitions :

  • 2009 ICAR SRF for PhD in CIFE.
  • 2008 ICAR Non JRF for PG in College of Fisheries, Panangad, Kochi, Kerala


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