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  • Mapping of marketing channels and price ranges of commercially important finfish species in the coastal districts of West Bengal, India

    This study was conducted to map the marketing channels and price ranges of some commercially important marine finfish species in two coastal districts of West Bengal. Nine commercially important marine finfish species were investigated. Different nodes were found to be involved in the marketing channel depending on the commercial value of the species, and a large gap was observed between the price in the retail market and the price received by the primary fisher. A large number of stakeholders are involved and find employment in the fish marketing chain as fishers, assemblers, processors, traders, wholesalers, retailers, transporters and loading and unloading workers. The price range of Bombay duck (Harpadon nephereus) was Rs. 25-50/kg at the auction centre level to Rs. 300-500/kg at the level of retailers in distant markets. For Silver pomfret (Pampus griseus), the price range had large fluctuations with Rs. 150-1000/kg at the auction centre level itself. When the commodity reaches the retailers in the distant markets, the price range was Rs. 350 to 1300/kg. The marketing chain for the flow of Orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was narrow with the nodes such as commission agents, assemblers, wholesalers and retailers, who play a major role in distributing the landings from the auction centre to domestic consumers. Processing and export nodes were not to be found. The price range was Rs. 200- 300/kg at the auction centre level to Rs. 400-500/kg at the retailer level in distant markets. The investigation exposed the range of actors required to bring the product from the landing centre through the different phases of distribution and delivery to final consumers. The value chain approach will be useful for the key actors such as fishers, managers and policymakers to streamline their operations cost-effectively, for increased earnings of the value chain actors and notable impacts on credit repayment.



  • Mated Shiny bird squid, Ornithoteuthis volatilis Sasaki, 1915 (Cephalopoda:Ommastrephidae), in the southeastern Arabian Sea
  • Optimizing captive seed production technology of fanged seabream, Sparidentex jamalensis Amir et al., 2014
  • In vitro culture and characterisation of a new brain cell line from the spine cheek anemone fish Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790)
  • Sequential development of histopathological manifestations in response to experimental infection of Vibrio alginolyticus in Asian Seabass
  • Growth trends during life stages in the Arabian Sea middle-sized form Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Western Indian Ocean
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