Madras Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI conducts Harvest Mela under TSP Project
Madras Regional Station of ICAR-CMFRI conducts Harvest Mela under TSP Project
Madras Regional Station of ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) conducted a Harvest Mela of cage farming at Senjiamman Nagar, Pazhaverkadu coastal village, Ponneri Taluk in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruvallur District on 29th October 2024. Out of the six cages installed under the Tribal Sub-Plan Project, a partial harvest was initiated with cage reared Sea Bass fishes on attaining the marketable size in the presence of Shri. Ajay Anand, Assistant Director, Department of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu, cage farming beneficiaries and local Panchayat members. The cage that was stocked with fingerlings with an average weight of 80 gms was selected for partial harvest.
The fishes on an average attained a marketable weight of 1.2 Kg after 5 months of culture period. The total revenue generated out of the partial harvest was Rs.1,10,000/- and the cheque was handed over to the beneficiary group leader in the presence of its beneficiaries and staff members of MRS, CMFRI.
The Irular Community was the key beneficiaries who were mainly involved in cage farming.
The ICAR-CMFRI open sea cage technology was well adopted by the fishermen of tribal community which in turn helped them to generate more revenue and make them self sufficient by improving their livelihood.