Focus of Research :
- Marine fisheries governance and compliance
- Gender studies
- Value chain analysis and Entrepreneurship development
- Innovative Extension models and Impact analysis
- Climate change impacts on social systems
Background :
I joined ICAR-CMFRI in 2018. Before this, I worked at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, in the Division of Agricultural Extension. There, I specialized in Entrepreneurship Management, Value Chain Analysis, Impact Assessment of NARES Technologies, and the Construction and Validation of Measurement Tools for Social Science Research. Additionally, I designed and validated innovative extension models, including Krishi Dak, the National Extension Programme (NEP), and the Innovative Farmer-Led Extension and Delivery Programme (IFLED). Currently, I am part of the Fishery Resources Assessment, Economics, and Extension Division at ICAR-CMFRI. My focus is on behavioural models for sustainable stewardship, the impacts of climate change on social systems, compliance analysis, and gender and group dynamics in the marine fisheries sector.
Education :
- MA (Economics) 2020, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
- Ph D (Agricultural Extension) 2015, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
- M Sc (Agricultural Extension) 2012, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
- BSc (Agriculture) 2009, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur.
Current Research Projects :
No | Title |
1 | Decision-making Process in Sustainable Marine Fisheries Stewardship: Applications of Behavioural Approaches |
2 | A Comprehensive Praxis on Tran-inclusive Gender Mainstreaming through the Paradigm of Sustainable Livelihoods in Indian Fisheries Sector |
3 | Geo-referenced Marine Fisheries Resources Information System for Indian EEZ based on Enhanced Survey Protocols and Methodological Platforms for Stock Assessment, Modelling and Forecasting |
4 | Development of Integrated Scientific Fishery Management Approaches for Biological and Livelihood Sustainability of Tuna and Tuna-like fishes along the Indian coast. |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Membership of Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS)-Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
- NAAS Young Scientist Award 2021 (In Social Science) of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi, India.
- Best Agricultural Extension Book Award National level (2021) by MANAGE, Hyderabad, MoA&FW, GoI
- Imerti Devi Outstanding Women Scientist Award by Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development in 2017
- Jawaharlal Nehru Award for P.G. Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences, ICAR in 2016
- IARI Merit Gold Medal (Agricultural Extension) for outstanding research work in Ph. D. Programme in 2016.
- INSPIRE Fellowship under the GOI’s unique Scheme “Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research” in 2013.
- IARI Merit Gold Medal for Outstanding Academic Performance in Master of Science Degree Programme in 2013.
- UGC - NET in 2013 in the subject of Mass Communication and Journalism
- UGC-JRF-NET award in 2012 in the subject of Adult Education/ Continuing Education
- Editor, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
- Editor, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India
- Reshma Gills*, C Ramachandran, V P Vipinkumar, Manish Kumar, Eldho Varghese, Jayaraman Jayasankar, Shelton Padua, R Narayana Kumar, Pooja Krishna, and T V Ambrose. (2023). Education–world of work mismatch: a multidimensional competence gap analysis for reorienting the fisheries vocational education system in India. Current Science, 124(11): 1329-1338.
- C Ramachandran, P Shinoj, Reshma Gills*, A R Anuja, Shelton Padua, R Ratheesh Kumar, and N Rajesh. (2023). Ecosystem services of coastal wetlands for climate change mitigation: an economic analysis of Pokkali and Kaipad-based rotational paddy farming systems in India. Current Science, 125(5): 156-164.
- Reshma Gills*, C Ramachandran, V P Vipinkumar, P Shinoj, Eldho Varghese, R Narayanakumar, T V Ambrose and Pooja Krishna. (2021). The impact, governance response and adaptation strategies: a case analysis of COVID-19 lockdown in marine fisheries sector of Kerala, India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 16(3): 688-696.
- Reshma Gills*, J P Sharma, R R Burman, R R Sharma and Amit Kar. (2017). Peri urban floriculture: A comparative study of production, value addition, marketing and constraints. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 87(4): 544–50.
- Reshma Gills*, J P Sharma, R R Burman, R R Sharma and Amit Kar. (2016). Marketing channels, their effectiveness and perceived constraints in milk processing in NCR. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(1): 82–88.