Focus of Research :
- Marine food fish and ornamental fish breeding
- Open sea Cage culture
- Live feed culture and their enrichment
Background :
After taking M. Sc. in Mariculture in 1990, PGDHRD in 1993 and Ph.D in Marine Science (Fish genetics) in 1998, I joined as scientist since 1995, and worked in various capacities at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Central Agricultural Research Institute, A & N Islands, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin on fresh water aquaculture, mariculture, fish genetics, nutrition, breeding and seed production. Currently working as a Principal Scientist in Mariculture division of CMFRI, and developed hatchery technologies for 12 species of marine ornamental fishes and also working on open sea cage culture and breeding of food fishes.
Education :
- PhD 1990 Cochin University of Science & Technology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Development (PGDHRD) 1993 National Institute of Human Resource Development
- MSc 1990 Mariculture , Cochin University of Science & Technology
Awards & Recognitions :
- Best Scientist Award instituted by EET CRS 5th Science & Technology 2017 New Delhi.
- Dr. S.Z. Qasim Memorial Best Paper Award 2016 sponsored by The Marine Biological Association Of India for the Scientific Paper published in JMBAI (Madhu, K., RemaMadhu, M.P. Mohandas and M.T. Vijayan 2016.Isolation, identification and culture of the marine rotifer Colurellaadriatica Ehrenberg, 1831 (Family: Lepadellidae) from Andaman & Nicobar Islands: A promising live feed for larval rearing of high value shellfishes and finfishes.- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India58 (1) : 5-12).
Distinguished Scientist Award for the year 2016 of the Venus International Research Award sponsored by Venus International Foundation, Chennai. - Best Poster Presentation Award for the poster on Induced maturation and spawning of Lutjanusargentimaculatus in open sea cage in the Arabian Sea ( Authors :Madhu, K., RemaMadhu, Retheesh, T., Tinto, T., Venugopalan, K. M. and Mohandas, M. P.,2015). In :5th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia, 25-28 November, 2015 Kochi ,Book of Abstract : CAA5 | BS-P 02, pp 90.
- Young Scientist Award, 2002 with citation and Gold plated Medal of NATCON, India for the contribution made in the marine ornamental fish survey, identification, breeding and culture in Andaman and Nicobar islands.
- Selected from India for the prestigious Monbusho Fellowship of Japan during 1995-1996
- Awarded Senior Research Fellowship of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, for Ph.D. Degree in C.M.F.R.I., Cochin during 1992-1995.
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, for M. Sc. Degree in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin during 1987-1989.
- Madhu, K. and Rema Madhu, 2014. Captive spawning and embryonic development of marine ornamental purple firefish Nemateleotris decora (Randall & Allen, 1973), Aquaculture , Volume 424-425, Page 1-9.
- Madhu, K. Rema Madhu and T. Retheesh, 2012. Broodstock development, breeding, embryonic development and larviculture of spine-cheek anemonefish, Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790), Indian J. Fish., 59(1): 65-75.
- Madhu, K. and Rema Madhu,2011.Genetic differentiation of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricius (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Andaman and Nicobar islands Indian .J. Fish., Vol. 58(2): 145-148.
- Madhu, K.,Rema Madhu, Grace Mathew and T. Retheesh,2011. Captive breeding of Tomato clownfish Amphiprion frenatus, Tropical Fish Hobbyist, USA Vol LX(3):80-84.
- Gopakumar, G., Madhu, K., Rema Madhu, Anil, M. K. and Boby Ignatius, 2011. Marine ornamental fish culture Package of Practices. CMFRI Special Publication (101). pp. 1-101.
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